Closing the loop on food

City to Farm is a local food scrap collection service that delivers to nearby farms for composting

The C2F project collects from schools, early childhood centres, retirement villages, cafes and restaurants that want to do the right thing and have their food scraps be turned into a valuable resource. Buckets for food scraps can be picked up and dropped off at the WCRC for a small charge. Or, for large amounts of food scraps, The C2F box truck can come by and collect wheelie bins directly. For more information about how it works click here.

The City to Farm Local Food Resilience Composting Project changes compacted clay soil into freer draining soil.

The goal is to re-create the soils, the diversity and productivity of our native forests, but using trees and shrubs that produce food for us.

Building topsoil could mitigate Climate Change The build up of glomalin is natures way of sequestering carbon in the soil for a long time.

The C2F Project takes commercial food scraps to a local farm for composting. The entire project is quite unique

  • Using a unique, 4 step composting food scraps to turn poor clay soils into rich, friable topsoil.   

  • The food scraps are composted in “swales” –shallow ditches that run parallel to the contours to infiltrate water and stop soil erosion, even on hilly, compacted clay

  • Biochar is in the bokashi wheelie bins to improve the internal composting and in the bottom of the swales to modify soil texture

  • There is growing evidence that transforming clay into topsoil “sequesters” carbon in the soil

  • The goal is to create Terra Preta, the best agricultural soil in the world

To find out more head to

City to Farm Facebook page

contact Betsy Kettle - 021 0826 8196